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Class jac::File

ClassList > jac > File

Public Attributes

Type Name
std::string path_

Public Functions

Type Name
File (std::string path, std::string flags)
File (std::filesystem::path path, std::string flags)
void close ()
bool isOpen ()
std::string read (int length=1024)
void write (std::string data)
~File ()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable path_

std::string jac::File::path_;

Public Functions Documentation

function File [1/2]

inline jac::File::File (
    std::string path,
    std::string flags

function File [2/2]

inline jac::File::File (
    std::filesystem::path path,
    std::string flags

function close

inline void jac::File::close () 

function isOpen

inline bool jac::File::isOpen () 

function read

inline std::string jac::File::read (
    int length=1024

function write

inline void jac::File::write (
    std::string data

function ~File

inline jac::File::~File () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/jac/features/types/file.h