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In most cases, wrapped C++ code can throw exceptions, which will the be propagated to the JavaScript runtime.

Similarly, if any interaction with the JavaScript runtime throws an exception, it will be propagated to the C++ side.

Exception propagation

When jac::Exception is thrown, the wrapped value is thrown or a new Error is constructed from given template.

When std::exception is thrown, an InternalError is thrown with the message e.what().

When any other exception is thrown, an InternalError is thrown with the message "unknown error".

If the JavaScript runtime throws an exception, a new jac::Exception is constructed from the thrown value and thrown to the C++ side.

jac::Exception class

One way jac::Exception can be used, is to wrap any JavaScript value. It can be created by converting a Value to Exception:

Value value = ...;
Exception ex =<Exception>();

Second way is to define Exception as an Error template. This way, the correct Error type will be constructed when the exception is propagated to JavaScript:

Exception ex = Exception::create(Exception::Type::TypeError, "Invalid argument");

More information can be found in the API documentation.