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Class jac::ReadableRef

ClassList > jac > ReadableRef

Inherits the following classes: jac::Readable

Public Functions

Type Name
ReadableRef (Readable * ptr)
virtual bool get (std::function< void(char)> callback) override
virtual bool read (std::function< void(std::string)> callback) override

Public Functions inherited from jac::Readable

See jac::Readable

Type Name
virtual bool get (std::function< void(char)> callback) = 0
virtual bool read (std::function< void(std::string)> callback) = 0
virtual ~Readable () = default

Public Functions Documentation

function ReadableRef

inline jac::ReadableRef::ReadableRef (
    Readable * ptr

function get

inline virtual bool jac::ReadableRef::get (
    std::function< void(char)> callback
) override

Implements jac::Readable::get

function read

inline virtual bool jac::ReadableRef::read (
    std::function< void(std::string)> callback
) override

Implements jac::Readable::read

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/jac/features/types/streams.h