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Class noal::callableany< Func, Res(Args...)>

template <typename Func, typename Res, typename... Args>

ClassList > noal > callableany< Func, Res(Args...)>

Public Functions

Type Name
callableany (Func _func)
Res operator() (Args... args)

Public Static Functions

Type Name
Res call (void * self, Args... args)

Public Functions Documentation

function callableany

inline noal::callableany< Func, Res(Args...)>::callableany (
    Func _func

function operator()

inline Res noal::callableany< Func, Res(Args...)>::operator() (
    Args... args

Public Static Functions Documentation

function call

static inline Res noal::callableany< Func, Res(Args...)>::call (
    void * self,
    Args... args

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/noal_func.h