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Class jac::PluginHandle

ClassList > jac > PluginHandle

A handle which can be used to retrieve a plugin from a machine.

  • #include <plugins.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
PluginHandle (size_t index)
size_t index () const
PluginHandle operator+ (size_t offset)
PluginHandle & operator++ ()
PluginHandle operator++ (int)
bool operator== (const PluginHandle & other) const

Public Functions Documentation

function PluginHandle

inline jac::PluginHandle::PluginHandle (
    size_t index

function index

inline size_t jac::PluginHandle::index () const

function operator+

inline PluginHandle jac::PluginHandle::operator+ (
    size_t offset

function operator++

inline PluginHandle & jac::PluginHandle::operator++ () 

function operator++

inline PluginHandle jac::PluginHandle::operator++ (

function operator==

bool jac::PluginHandle::operator== (
    const PluginHandle & other
) const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/jac/machine/plugins.h