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Class jac::PluginHolderFeature

template <typename Next>

ClassList > jac > PluginHolderFeature

An MFeature that allows for inserting plugins into the machine and retrieving them using PluginHandeles.

  • #include <plugins.h>

Inherits the following classes: Next

Public Functions

Type Name
PluginHolderFeature () = default
Plugin_t & getPlugin (PluginHandle handle)
PluginHandle holdPlugin (std::unique_ptr< Plugin > plugin)
PluginHandle pluginBegin ()
PluginHandle pluginEnd ()

Public Functions Documentation

function PluginHolderFeature

jac::PluginHolderFeature::PluginHolderFeature () = default

function getPlugin

template<typename Plugin_t>
inline Plugin_t & jac::PluginHolderFeature::getPlugin (
    PluginHandle handle

function holdPlugin

inline PluginHandle jac::PluginHolderFeature::holdPlugin (
    std::unique_ptr< Plugin > plugin

function pluginBegin

inline PluginHandle jac::PluginHolderFeature::pluginBegin () 

function pluginEnd

inline PluginHandle jac::PluginHolderFeature::pluginEnd () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/jac/machine/plugins.h