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Class jac::PluginManager

ClassList > jac > PluginManager

A class for managing groups of plugins and initializing them all at once.

  • #include <plugins.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
PluginManager () = default
size_t addPlugin ()
Adds a plugin to the manager.
PluginHandle initialize (Machine & machine)
Initializes all plugins in the manager.

Public Functions Documentation

function PluginManager

jac::PluginManager::PluginManager () = default

function addPlugin

Adds a plugin to the manager.

template<typename Plugin_t>
inline size_t jac::PluginManager::addPlugin () 


The initialization of the plugin is to be performed by the constructor.

Template parameters:

  • Plugin_t The type of the plugin to add


The offset of the plugin in the group. Can be added to the PluginHandle returned by initialize() to get a handle to the plugin instance inside the Machine.

function initialize

Initializes all plugins in the manager.

template<typename Machine>
inline PluginHandle jac::PluginManager::initialize (
    Machine & machine

Template parameters:

  • Machine The type of the machine to initialize the plugins for


  • machine The machine to initialize the plugins for


A Handle to the first plugin initialized.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/jac/machine/plugins.h